My Craft-Rae

Author: Rae
There are few religions and theological philosophies that allow for such broad interpretation as the religion of the witch. One can be pagan, wiccan, druidic, shamanic, you can choose from any number of pantheons of deities, Norse, Celtic, Greek, Roman, any in between or none. You can follow the Wiccan Rede, or not. You can dedicate yourself to a specific style of craft, belong to a coven, practice solitary craft, or weave your own magic as you see fit. This post seeks to show you where I stand currently in my craft, and what Magick/Magic means to me.

My Craft

I prefer bullet pointed lists, that’s the first thing you’ll learn about me! I am also not a fan of arbitrary back story (especially in recipes) so, jumping into the list

  • To me, Magick = religious/spiritual practices, witchcraft, etc. Magic = sleight of hand, performance level tricks. Both are awesome. I’m currently only practicing the former, but LOVE the latter. I don’t actually care if you use them interchangeably. I won’t fight you.
  • I…don’t do deities. For a lot of my life I considered myself Agnostic. I still do, like a vague witchy agnostic. I’m sure there’s some sort of higher power out there. I don’t know what they are, who they are, how many there are, or how they operate. My craft focuses more on the idea that whatever energy you put out in the world will be the energy you receive. Magick is a way to focus and develop that skill to obtain desired effects, my magick does not ask for help, but for guidance.
  • I do follow the Wiccan Rede, though I do not consider myself to be full on Wiccan. It’s chock full of great references and guides without being too arbitrarily preachy. So I do my best to follow where I can. But I see it more as guidelines than actual rules.
  • I am a firm believer in science, but I don’t need it in my craft. Don’t tell me a stone will charge ions in my body. I don’t need that level of proof to believe something, especially if it’s all woo and pretend science.
  • I am a Kitchen Witch. Most of my practice is at home. Sometimes my craft is brewing a pumpkin soup for Samhain. Sometimes it’s making toast and drinking Starbucks. To me, that’s ok. Our universe works in all manners and throughout all efforts. I do what I can, and I feel like that should be enough.
  • I’m so NOT a crystal girl. Good on you if you are, but my crystal collection consists of a few hunks of Himalayan Pink Salt, and a couple of random rocks from outside that have some sort of meaning to them (the one from LMTI camp, etc).
  • My main philosophy is to do things with the best intentions. It took me a while to get here, but that’s where I am. Have the best intentions when you do something, and it can never go so wrong it can’t be fixed.

What about you? How is your craft different from mine?

Author: TravelRebel Rae

Theme Park and Nature Obsessed! Follow for thoughts, tips and tricks. Let's make this an adventure!

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